Been quite busy for the passed few weeks as it is getting closer to my due date. As of 17/10/2015, baby's 8 months already.
There are so many things to do, yet so little time... Really hope that there's 48 hours A DAY!! :(
I need to shop for baby's stuffs, starting to train my staffs to take over my task when I'm on ML, attended some parenting/mama's classes, my brother just had his wedding last weekend and I spent almost two weeks to DIY his Wedding Gift (There's a separate post on that!!!). That's a lot to do for a pregnant woman.... :X
Baby's stuffs are almost ready, maybe for some minor stuffs that I've missed out. I haven't really get anything for myself yet.
Remember the newborn checklist I had posted, I did some changes to it so let's see what have I got for her!
1. Breast Pump
What I wanted: Medela Freestyle Double Electric Breast Pump $490++
Breast feeding is not an easy task, and if you do not have a good breast pump, it just make the task even harder. I do want to save some money but at the same time I need a good breast pump to make the job easier. Unable to tell you how good it is as I haven't start using it. But I've googled online and found some positive reviews. I got it at a good deal at the baby fair. This is a single rechargable and portable breast pump but also convertible to a double pump or manual pump. Also comes with a free cooler bag with 5 milk storage bottles & 2 ice packs!
2. Nursing Pads
What I wanted: No Preferences
My mummy friends recommended me this brand so I just buy to try lah...
Extra Samples to try: Tollyjoy Day & Night Disposable Nursing Pads & NUK Ultra Dry Breast Pads
3. Breast Milk Storage Bottle/Bag
What I wanted: No Perferences
I got the the Friso bottles as gifts when I attended some parenting classes and when I bought my breast pump, I got 5 Unimum storage bottles too. Not sure if it will be enough or not. May get some storage bags if needed!
4. Nipple Cream
What I wanted: No Preferences
What I actually bought: Not Yet
Haven't really buy anything for myself yet, maybe in the coming month instead.
5. Nursing Bra
What I wanted: No Preference
What I actually bought: Autumnz Nursing Bra, 2 for $28
I bought these from Youhaveababy at the recent Baby fair. They are super comfy, and I'm gonna get more...
6. Silicon Nipples
What I wanted: No Preferences
Since I bought the bottles, I need the nipples too....
7. Feeding Bottles
What I wanted: Munchkin Latch Anti-Colic Bottle
2. Phillips Avent Classic Feeding Bottle 125ml 0m+/260ml 1m+ $11.90/$9.00 (Metro)
8. Bottle Brush
What I wanted: No Preference
What I actually bought: Munchkin Latch Deluxe Bottle & Valve Brush
Since I already bought the bottles, I needed the brush too. But I'll be getting another one for the Phillip Avent feeding bottles too!
9. Drying Rack
What I wanted: Munchkin Latch Drying Rack
What I actually bought: No brand bottle rack with cover $12.90 (John Little)
1. Baby Shampoo
What I wanted: Gaia Hair & Body Wash $44.90
What I actually bought: Not Yet
2. Baby Lotion/Oil
What I wanted: No Preference
What I actually bought: Not Yet
3. Nappy Rash Cream
What I wanted: No Preference
What I actually bought: Not Yet
4. Baby Powder
What I wanted: No Perferences
What I actually bought: Pigeon Baby Powder $8.90 (Takashimaya)
5. Bathtub
What I wanted: Any foldable bathtub
What I actually bought: Nothing
Mum had given me a baby bathtub as part of my wedding dowry so both hubby and me thought that we should use it. But we are going to buy the a newborn support to make the bathing more manageable!
6. Towel
What I wanted: Simply Life Bath Towel
What I actually bought: Not Yet
7. Wash Cloth
What I wanted: No Preferences
They are really soft to touch so I bought a pack!
8. Cotton Swaps/Q tips
What I wanted: No Preference
What I actually bought: Not Yet
9. Nail Clipper
What I wanted: No Perferences
10. Nose Cleaner
What I wanted: No Perferences
Recommended by my mummy friends....
11. Diapers (Reusable)
What I wanted: Moo Moo Kow Stay Dry Baby Cloth Diaper + 2 inserts $30
12. Diapers (Disposable)
What I wanted: MamyPoko
What I actually bought: MamyPoko Newborn 80pcs X 2 $35 (Baby Fair Price + Free Gift)
I'm recommended to this brand by many of my mummy friends. They have no problems and their babies love it. I know that it still depends on individual baby's condition.
I have not buy most of the baby bathing items as I feel that it's still too early and these items do have a manufacturing and expiry date. So I will be buying them in Nov instead when it gets closer to my EDD.
Want to know what else I got for my little girl, do keep a lookout for the next post!! :)
Lotsa LOVE,
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