It is never too early to prepare your bags for delivery. You wouldn't want to run around the house packing your bag after your water bag burst.
It is good to make sure your hospital bag is ready at least 2 weeks before your EDD, or even earlier. And it must be place somewhere where it is easy to access in case of emergency. Make sure your family members, siblings and husband know where the bag is, so in case you really forgot, they can help you to bring over to the hospital.
So what should we pack in the bag?
I will list them out in 4 different parts.
1. Documentation
For Admission:
1. Mother's IC
2. Admission Form
For Baby's Birth Registration
1. Mother's IC
2. Father's IC
3. Marriage Certificate
Do check with your hospital for the required documents.
Do check with your hospital for the required documents.
2. Mummy
1. Mobile phone & charger - Keep your family members updated of your situation. Keeps you entertain while waiting and to take photo of your newborn!!
2. A set of clothes for discharge, preferable a nursing dress - For easy breastfeeding and make dressing easier, especially since you are still feeling weak.
3. Disposable underwear - I heard that actually hospital will provide but I dislike the paper ones, so I will BYO instead. I recommend the Watsons brand disposable cotton panties. They are super comfy and feels great.
4. Toiletries - Shampoo, shower gel, stretch mark cream, nursing cream, toothbrush, toothpaste
5. Nursing Cover - In case after discharge, while you are on the way home and your baby gets hungry...
6. Nursing bra & breast pads - For discharge
3. Daddy
1. 2 sets of clothing - If he is intending to stay with you throughout your hospital stay.
2. Towel
3. Toiletries - Shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush, toothpaste
4. Mobile phones, charger, tablets, games
4. Baby
1. A set of clothes, mittens & booties for discharge
2. Swaddling wrap
3. Diapers
It varies between each individual, so this is just a guide to get you started.
Do let me know if I missed out anything important, I'm a new mum too....
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