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Taiwan Holiday - Day 2 @ 阿里山 & 台中 28022014

Day 2 Itinerary
Sight-seeing @ Alishan (阿里山)
Alishan(阿里山)- Chiayi Train Station(嘉义火车站)
Chiayi (嘉义)- Taichung Train Station (台中火车站)
Taichung Train Station(台中火车站) - Feng Jia Day Dream Hostel(逢甲民宿)
Feng Jia Night Market(逢甲夜市)

I was the first to wake up on the second day, as I'm looking forward to go take a walk around the 民宿.

Early in the morning at 5:30am. Cool weather in the morning, with fresh air.

It's really great to be away from the city once a while, enjoying the nature, enjoying the fresh air. 

I wanted to take a walk around the 民宿 so Mr Wonderful accompanies me along. Dad also join us as breakfast won't be ready till 8:30am, and mum decides to sleep awhile more.

Lots of tea plantation around.

I tot that I will "smell" tea, but actually, there isn't any smell at all.

Mr Wonderful's Sleepy face.


A surprise is awaiting us at the end of the staircase....

Ta-dah..... Cherry Blossoms.....

So nice right.....

Say cheese.....

So beautiful....

That's my dad in the photo.... ;)

We slowly walk back to our 民宿 via the roads as it is too tiring for dad go walk back via the staircase. 

Along the way, there are some more cherry blossoms.....

Finally, we reach the 民宿 in time for breakfast....

Looks simple and ordinary right, it it taste great.... 

After breakfast, 小刘先生 drives us back to 石卓 and helps us to buy the bus tickets to 阿里山.
As it was a public holiday in Taiwan, the bus was crowded and it was so hard for me to take any photos. The road to 阿里山 was long and there were lots of turns here and there. After an hour ride, we reached.....
The first thing we did was to find a place to store our luggage. There are a number of shops offering luggage storage services at a fee. We found one and settled our luggage. Mr Wonderful then went to check out the bus tickets down to 嘉义火车站. There are a lot of 伯伯 who are offering taxi services down hill and we decided on one too as the 伯伯 charged us the same price as the bus tickets, and we can sit comfortably down hill.

We started our sight seeing after our down hill transportation was settled.

Random photos....

Mr Wonderful joins the queue to get the train tickets.

Ticket prices.

And I'm taking photos while waiting for him....

Remember to check out the train timings so that you can plan your way around.

Finally after 15mins, we got the tickets. We decided to take the train to 沼平, and then walk to 神木.

A very 'cold' group photo....

So many people as it was a public holiday that day.

Hi, everyone....

More random photos....

View from the train....

It was a short ride about 5mins.

Make a wish....

Beautiful flowers....

Sight seeing and photo taking time...

Mr Wonderful and me...

Gosh... I love the flowers....

Mum and me...

Candid shot...

You don't see this in Singapore anymore, other than the MRT tracks!

Must take more photos on the train tracks.

The view is so nice...

We started walking into the 'forest'!

Trees, and trees, and more trees...

Finally, after 30mins or so, we reach 姐妹谭.

After all the photo shooting, we continue our way to 神木.

More photos along the way... It's really just trees and more trees...
But it was really cooling walking in the forest....

Finally we saw 神木 train station.

The train station looks like a make shift station....

We reached just in time for the train. But actually, we were late to meet the driver 伯伯 down hill.

I could see the tail of the train from inside the train...
As soon as we reach back 阿里山 train station, we hurried to collect our luggage, make a quick toilet trip, boarded the taxi and started our way down to 嘉义 train station. I fall asleep as soon as we were seated into the taxi. Halfway through the right I woke up for a while, look out and see the whole place covered in fog, and it was only 3pm in the afternoon. The driver 伯伯 had to drive very slowly down 阿里山. I went back to sleep again since it will be another hour or so before we reach.

Finally, after 2.5hrs, we reach 嘉义 train station.

Hubby went to buy the train tickets.

We proceed to the platform quickly as the train was arriving soon.

Inside view of the train. On our way to 台中.... Super excited....

I love taking trains as I can enjoy the beautiful scenery....

The sun is setting soon....

Finally, after 1hr 15mins, we reach 台中 train station.
We took a cab to 逢甲大学. Actually we wanted to go straight to the hostel, but the taxi 伯伯 doesn't know the way, even after I showed him the map, he still doesn't know.

He drop us near 逢甲夜市, and our nightmare started.
We asked around for the way, and I also called the hostel a few times before someone is able to guide me the way. We spent almost 2 hours just to find the hostel.
The hostel was just so so, and as I was so angry, I didn't take any photos.
We rested for a while, showered and then make our way to 逢甲夜市 as our stomach were shouting for food.

The first store I saw when I reach, and I bought 1 to try. It was super delicious.

Another must try is their 'Or Ah Jian'.

Just photo, we did not eat this....

It was super crowded....

This Porky Box taste great too....

Delicious and cheap....

Lots of people were queuing for this 大肠包小肠. 

Waiting for my Ice cream at one of the stores...

I'm sorry cos I forgotten to take a photo of the ice cream. It is design like a pot of plant. Vanilla ice cream is served in a pot, covered with crush Oreo cookies, and a stalk on mint leave in the middle, just like a plant. Interesting design, but taste is just so so.

The squid is as big as my face....

Game stalls.

Other than food, you can play some games and win some prizes...

Another must try food... Guess what is it?

They were still preparing and I waited about 10mins before I could get my hands on them...


This 胡椒饼 is so nice. Crispy on the outside and hot on the inside, really worth the wait...

Time to go back to the hostel to rest for the day. We made our way back, washed up and sleep for the night.

The next day is another long day for us....

Do keep a look out for the next post coming up soon.....


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