I just had my detailed scan 2 weeks ago at 20 weeks at KK Hospital. It was so cool because I can see the baby more clearly, compared to the usual scan at the clinic. The tiny eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet are so cute. Doc says the baby is growing well and I will be back for check up again in 1 month time.
Mummy: Been feeling breathless especially at night when I lie down on bed. Doc says my blood presure and heart beat normal, so nothing to worry about. He adviced me to pile my pillow higher to sleep.
Backaches are here with me now since the baby is growing bigger. I can sit for long without a pillow to support my back. I felt more comfortable while standing than sitting. I got myself a Dreamgenii Pregnancy Pillow at a baby fair in June and it had been a great help when sleeping at night.
Photo Credits: www.dreamgenii.com
The reason I buy this is because it doesn't take up a lot of space on the bed and won't fall off the bed easily. It also doubles up as a nursing pillow supporting my back at the same time.
Baby: Baby is growing at a good pace but at 22 weeks, I haven't feel any kicks from her yet. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that baby's a girl. My mom said that girl usually kicks more and harder than boys. But so far, I haven feel any but I'm really looking forward to her kicks soon.
How that I we know that she's a girl, I can finally start my shopping anytime soon and also to start to think of names for her too.
Check out the pretty scans of her below.
Detailed scan at 20 weeks 2 Days.
I think she's got a pretty nose!!
Mummy's so excited to see you...
22 weeks at AMK KK Clinic.
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